Should you become aware of any significant issues with the property during the rental period (which may affect your ultimate buying decision) then you can withdraw from the contract or have it fixed. Usually, most issues can be rectified during the rental period.

We always hand over a fully tenantable (or habitable) house to you. However, if there are minor issues with the property, we would get it fixed as soon as possible for you. As with how our rent to buy works, you're not obligated to buy the house at the end of the initial 5yrs (60 months), however all rents will still have to be paid for the duration spent tin the property at the pre-agreed rates (including the option payment).

The following issues can easily be fixed:

• Leaky roof

• Non-working electrical sockets, lights

• Blocked sinks

• Decorative issues

• Ill-fitted doors and windows

• Sealant inconsistencies


We fix all issues in the first 30 days of occupation free of charge. In the case of leaky roof that may only be noticed in rainy seasons (assuming you moved in during a non-rainy season), will still be fixed for you at no cost to you.